
義大利 製 金色皇冠蓋 100個 105元

獨家高品質瓶蓋 ! 襯托你的啤酒跟飲料 ! 




標籤: 出酒服務設備 

26 毫米皇冠蓋可確保最佳密封。 這些瓶蓋在感官上是中性的,因此適用於任何類型的飲料,包括非碳酸飲料和起泡飲料(水、啤酒、軟性飲料和能量飲料、乳製品)。 它們適用於任何類型的要求,可以採用多種材料製成,並且與滅菌過程相容。 它們可以用膠印進行內部和外部裝飾,並用於比賽和促銷。 提供「軟觸感」扭轉版本,其特點是外殼上有更多的波紋,使瓶蓋在打開過程中與消費者的手指接觸時感到舒適。

26 mm crown caps in steel guarantee the best seal. These closures are organoleptically neutral and consequently suitable for any type of beverage, both still and sparkling (water, beer, soft and energy drinks, dairy products). Suitable for any type of requirement, they can be made in a vast range of materials and are compatible with sterilization processes. They can be decorated both internally and externally with offset printing and used for competitions and promotions. Available in the “Soft Touch” twist version, characterised by a higher number of corrugations on the shell, that make the cap comfortable when in contact with the consumer’s fingers during the opening procedure. 

公司官網:  https://www.pelliconi.com/site/en/crown-bottle-caps-26mm/

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