
型號: 21852329962795

啤酒酵母所處的發酵溫度 ,決定了啤酒的好壞重要因素

世界知名品牌 Ss Brewtech 提供給自釀啤酒同好 更好的解決方案

Fermentation Temperature Stabilization System (FTSs) 發酵溫度穩定系統


國際知名大廠 台灣自釀啤酒同步獨享,比去美國自己帶回來還便宜

啤酒王 再次提供合理高品質的自釀啤酒原料器材

整組只要: 4290

 A properly controlled fermentation temperature is critical to producing quality beer. The Fermentation Temperature Stabilization System (FTSs) is the result of many napkin sketches and applying thermodynamics to advanced brewing practices. The system is elegant in it’s simplicity yet incredibly efficient.

The FTSs uses a precision temperature controller that constantly monitors the temperature of your fermentation to within 1° of its set point. When the temperature of your beer varies by over 1° the system kicks in and circulates your chill source liquid through the chiller coil until temperature is stabilized.

分類: Ss Brewtech
標籤: 釀酒工具 

啤酒酵母所處的發酵溫度 ,決定了啤酒的好壞重要因素

世界知名品牌 Ss Brewtech 提供給自釀啤酒同好 更好的解決方案

Fermentation Temperature Stabilization System (FTSs) 發酵溫度穩定系統


國際知名大廠 台灣自釀啤酒同步獨享,比去美國自己帶回來還便宜

啤酒王 再次提供合理高品質的自釀啤酒原料器材

整組只要: 4290

 A properly controlled fermentation temperature is critical to producing quality beer. The Fermentation Temperature Stabilization System (FTSs) is the result of many napkin sketches and applying thermodynamics to advanced brewing practices. The system is elegant in it’s simplicity yet incredibly efficient.

The FTSs uses a precision temperature controller that constantly monitors the temperature of your fermentation to within 1° of its set point. When the temperature of your beer varies by over 1° the system kicks in and circulates your chill source liquid through the chiller coil until temperature is stabilized.

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